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I have the nose so what from full!

Put you that once before:
There comes one and will you step by step your language awaytake.
Would you then not also sour become?
See you.
I want my own words beuse. I can it not outhold, when me somebody beforescribes that I instead of "herunterladen" "download" say shall.
And when I to the railroad go and a driving-card buy want, then can I it not outstand, when I in front of the "Schalter" come and read must, that soon a "counter" for me free be will. Understand you that perhaps?
I will also your language not kaputtmake - but what enough is, is enough!


Anonym hat gesagt…
You´re right, absolutely right, but you can´t escape!!
Big brother is all around you and teaches you how to speak.

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